Hey, lieutenant. Ain't that a federal
offense, breaking open them boxes?
Ain't that a beautiful sight?
Makes you feel like a kitten
with a whole basin of milk.
- What a pity it don't belong to us.
- How much you figure it comes to?
$ 12,250.
Lieutenant, how about making
that a neat, round sum?
Say $ 10,000, and us fellows
dividing up the difference?
You thieving rat.
The Army would shoot us.
Well, who would tell?
- I wouldn't, for one.
- Me neither.
Look at us. A bunch of starved
scarecrows, whipped and dead broke.
All we got from this war is
shriveled guts and saddle sores.
You got a tempting argument.
I doubt if it's legal.
It ain't legal, Vance, or moral.
Confederacy can use
that money more than us.
You're right. Tomorrow we're taking
this money to General Randall.
Well, we tried anyway.
Let's get into this grub.
- Regiments broke camp and moved out.
- But where to?
General said they'd
wait for us right here.
Been away eight days.
Might've been attacked.
Or ordered away all of a sudden.
We better ride into
Claysville and find out.