I shall inscribe
great words of justice...
and mercy.
What a splendid reign
Emperor Alexander's might have been.
Now, I'm ready to accept
the surrender of the city.
Well, where are the boyards?
Where is the deputation?
There is no one, sire.
The city is empty,
half of it on fire.
There is no government...
no one to surrender to you.
That's impossible.
Impossible... and ridiculous!
There must be a surrender.
This is an insult!
They're going to pay for this.
- The skyline! Look!
- It's a village on fire.
- It could be Magdagachi.
- Look at it.
- Moscow is on fire.
- But it's so windy and dry.
- God have mercy.
- Save us.
Oh, it is Moscow.
Poor Moscow.