Natasha, Sonya, come and look.
Moscow's on fire.
- Moscow?
- Oh, no.
How terrible.
Let's go back to bed.
We have a long day tomorrow.
- Papa, I must talk to you.
- Again? Go back to bed.
You must give me your permission
to join the army.
You already know it.
It's no.
I must go where I can do
the most good for my country.
Your duty now
is not what you think.
Your duty is to stay with us
and to help your mother.
I'm sorry, Papa.
I've already made up my mind.
Natasha, do look.
The whole city's on fire.
You can see it from the window.
- You didn't even look.
- Yes, really, I did.
Go back to sleep.
You'll catch your death of cold.
And you too, Natasha darling.
Go to sleep.