12 Angry Men

- l´d like to see it again. Mr Foreman?
- Why do we have to see it again?

The gentleman has a right
to see exhibits in evidence.

- Say, could you bring us the knife?
- The knife? Sure.

The knife and the way it was bought
is strong evidence, don´t you think?

- l do.
- Good. Let´s take the facts one at a time.

One: the boy admitted leaving the house
at eight o´clock at night

after being slapped by his father.
No, he didn´t say ´´slapped´´.
He said ´´punched´´. There´s a difference.

After being hit several times by his father.
Two: he went directly to a local junk shop
where he bought one of those...

- Switch knives.
- Switchblade knives.

This wasn´t an ordinary knife. lt had
a very unusual carved handle and blade.

The storekeeper said it was the only one
of its kind he had ever had in stock.

Three: he met some friends of his in front
of a tavern about 8.45. Am l right so far?

- Yes, you are.
- You bet he is.

He talked with his friends
for an hour, leaving them at 9.45.

During this time,
they saw the switch knife.

Four: they identified the death weapon
in court as that very same knife.

Five: he arrived home
at about ten o´clock.

This is where the stories offered
by the State and the boy diverge slightly.

He claims that he went to a movie
at about 1 1 .30,

returning home at 3.10 to find
his father dead and himself arrested.

He also claims that the two detectives
threw him down a half a flight of stairs.

What happened to the knife? He claims
it fell through a hole in his pocket

on the way to the movies,
sometime between 1 1 .30 and 3.10,

and that he never saw it again.
Now, there is a tale, gentlemen.

l think it´s clear the boy
never went to the movies that night.

No one in the house saw him go out.
No one at the theatre identified him.

He couldn´t even remember
the names of the pictures he saw.

What actually happened is this.
The boy stayed home,
had another fight with his father,

stabbed him to death and left the house
at 10 minutes after 12.
