We´re just... Friendly little argument.
We´re through with that diagram.
You can take it if you want. Here you are.
What are you lookin´ at?
- Somebody has to start off again.
- l beg pardon...
´´l beg pardon.´´
What are you so polite about?
For the same reason you´re not.
lt´s the way l was brought up.
This fighting... That´s not
why we are here, to fight.
We have a responsibility.
This, l have always thought,
is a remarkable thing about democracy.
That we are...
What is the word?
Notified. That we are notified by mail
to come down to this place
to decide on the guilt or innocence of a
man we... we have never heard of before.
We have nothing to gain or lose
by... by our verdict.
This is one of the reasons
why we are strong.
We should not make it a... personal thing.
lf nobody else has an idea,
l might have a cutie here.
Let´s throw it out
and see if the cat licks it up.
- The cat licks it up?
- Yeah. The boy...
Look how dark it´s gettin´ out there.
l bet we´re gonna have a storm now.
Boy, oh boy. lt´s really hot, huh?
- Pardon me, but... don´t you ever sweat?
- No, l don´t.