You can call me Larry.
Thas a good chaser.
Did you always drink like that?
Not always, back in Riddle
I was pretty straight.
I didn't touch hard liquor
till I was 10 or 11.
Is there really a town
called Riddle?
To tell you the truth is just
sort of a what do you call it...
Compost heap is more like it.
Where are you from?
From all over.
Any town you mention for 500 miles,
I lived in a day or two.
What did your father do?
He was a spieler
with a two-bit con.
"Now, if each of you hand me
your $1 bills...
I'm gonna favour you
with a five dollar gift."
Still loved him, didn't you?
He left us when I was
knee high to a beer barrel.
You mother took care of you?
Never mind about her.
What about those uncles
you talk about?
If I'd a nickel for every time I
fell asleep waiting for my old lady.
When I'd wake up she'd say,
"Your uncle's sleeping".
I'd say "Uncle Lou?"
She'd say "No, this is
your Uncle Mike, Uncle Moe".
There wasn't a town in Arkansas or
Missouri I didn't have an uncle in.
Yes, ma'am. My old lady sure was
generous about taking in relatives.
Yet you grew up
so happy-go-lucky.
You put your whole self
in that laugh.
Marcia, I put my whole self
into everything I do.