A King in New York

Where are they?
That question is of a private nature
and cannot be answered.

You may answer.
They are safely deposited in a bank.
- In whose name?
- That is also of a private nature.

You may answer.
As P.M. of His Majesty's
Government in exile,

they are in my name
until His Majesty deems fit
to have them otherwise.

Then I think I'll have them otherwise.
Be calm, Your Majesty. First you
must pass through Immigration.

Any further questions?
How about this controversy
over atomic energy?

Ladies and gentlemen,
that's how I lost my throne.

I wanted atomic energy
for domestic use

but my ministers wanted
atomic bombs.

Nevertheless, I have nuclear plans
that will revolutionize modern life

and bring about a Utopia
undreamed of!

Your Majesty, if I might interrupt,
the Immigration Officer is waiting.

- I beg your pardon.
- This way, Sir.

That will be all, gentlemen.
Here, Sir, for the fingerprinting.
Your right hand please, Sir.
Your Majesty, won't you say
a few words to the American people?

I am deeply moved by your warm
friendship and hospitality.

This big-hearted nation has already
demonstrated its noble generosity

to those who seek
a refuge from tyranny. Thank you.

Here are the funds
of the treasury, Sir.

I hope this will allay
your suspicions.

You should have said anxiety
and saved us both embarrassment.

Is this all there was in the treasury?
- That is all, Sir.
- No wonder we had a revolution.

- Where are the books and records?
- They were left behind.

I see.
So the funds and securities
are deposited in the First National?

- That is right, Sir.
- Then let's go there.

It's too late now, Your Majesty.
The banks are closed.

Is that all, Sir?
Yes Dr Voudel, but make yourself
available at 10 tomorrow morning.

- That's when the banks open?
- Yes, Sir.
