Pardon me!
Go to your room at once.
We believe the seeds of genius
are in all children.
We strive to develop their instincts,
encourage their impulses.
Here is an ambitious young sculptor.
- What's that you're making?
- Fig leaf.
Nothing interesting
about a fig leaf.
Open, frank, uninhibited.
That's what we encourage.
Telephone message for Mr Jaume.
- Did they give any name?
- Miss Ann Kay.
Might be about that check,
you'd better go see.
- Where is the telephone?
- This way, please.
Show His Excellency to my office.
This way, Your Majesty.
And here is our bakery.
Excuse me, Your Majesty.
And this young man specializes
in Viennese pastries.
This is some
of our little friend's handicraft.
These are exactly the same
as the ones he's been making.
- Would you like to taste one?
- Oh no, thank you.
And here, Your Majesty,
we have an infant phenomenon.
A remarkable child of ten.
He's quite a historian,
editor of our school magazine.