Island in the Sun

You were saying?
In about three months,
I want to go to Canada.

I'd like to start
making the arrangements now.

Canada? Why on earth
do you want to go there?

Because I'm pregnant.
Does Euan know?
You're sure that you are?
There isn't any doubt.
Well, you're certainly calm about it.
You might show
some shame, some guilt.

If it will make you feel any happier,
I feel quite guilty.

I thought Euan's father wouldn't let us marry,
so I settled for what there was.

I thought, first of all,
I'd go to Trinidad, and then I changed my mind.

I think Canada's the best idea.
I could have it adopted. It shouldn't be hard.

There's only one thing.
I shouldn't like Daddy to know.

He's been through enough.
- That's why I need your help.
- My help?

You care about appearances,
what people will say.

Thank you.
Of course, you know that
you've behaved stupidly.

You have behaved like a peasant girl
in the cane fields.

- I suppose that's neither here nor there.
- [Match Clinks In Ashtray]

It's the future that matters.
May I have another match?

You might at least strike it.
You're engaged.
You can get married in a hurry.

You've not quarreled with him?
He says he wants to marry me
when he goes back to England.

- I'm not marrying Euan.
- Why not? You're insane.

- You are still in love with him?
- Yes.

Then what on earth is there
to stop your marrying?

I've told you the reason.
Don't be ridiculous.
The English Peerage isn't that sacred.
