
It's easier to die
when you're in love.

That's nonsense!

Don't get carried away.
Make room for the
company commander!

Drink Splinter.
You've gone mad.
Halinka, haven't you?

I'm not drinking.
I'm listening to music.

Music? So now you all
feel like hearing music?

And you're the one
who's playing?

That's because this will
be the last time!

Drink, Splinter. lt'll be easier to
walk through the sewers.

So this is your
sense of discipline?

At your post until the end!
Only dead drunk!

lt's a long way
to downtown.

There's plenty of time
to sober up.

What'll we
do downtown?

We'll keep fighting.
Keep fighting? They'll
crush us all like bed bugs.

There's not going to be
anything left of this city.

Shut up! Can't you even
die like a man?

On the contrary. Now I
finally know how to die!

Company roll call.
Yes, sir. But now it's a platoon
and not a company.

Don't anyone even dare
fart once we've started.

Absolute silence, like
in a family tomb.

Otherwise, the Germans
will cut us down.

If anyone is frightened, come
to me, and I'll hold his hand.

Come on,
cheere up!

All present and accounted
for, sir, and ready to depart!

Two officers, five N.C.O.'s,
and twenty others.

You're drunk! This is
not the time for drills.

Thank you.
At ease! Forward march!
