Or forced him to take you
with him,
otherwise you'd know
it was over..
Even though people say
they'll wait...
-l'd have said the same thing.
-Without believing it?
I'm not buying it. You want to
appear worse than you are.
On the contrary, you're kind
and sincere.
I've very pleased that
we've become friends.
Me too.
-Give me some advice.
What can I say?
I think you should...
... go and see him, talk to him.
Would you go for me?
Me? What's it got to do with me?
But even without actually going,
you could write him a letter.
No, no... impossible!
It would seem as if I wanted
to force myself on him.
What? Anyway,
there are letters and letters.
The main thing is to clear
the matter up instead of...
... crying and waiting.
You should fix
a formal appointment
saying you only want to...
I mean, you should take
the first step and see if he...
Really? Well, what would
you write to him?
It's not hard. lt's very easy.
-''... sir.''
-Fine! ''Dear sir''.
Better still...
-... ''Kind sir''.
-As you wish.
''Kind sir,