-You'd enjoy it even if you weren't paid.
-I wouldn't go that far.
You enjoyed exposing Madame La Roche.
Madame La Roche? You've read that, too?
And those passionate letters
she wrote that bullfighter...
...after he was gored by her husband.
I'm going to put double locks
on everything around here.
Ariane, you are not to come into this office
without my permission...
...and you are not to dust in here!
And you are not to answer the door.
This is my client.
Go back to your room and practice.
Bonjour, Monsieur.
Bonjour, Monsieur Chavasse.
I came straight from the airport.
-My wife thinks I'm still in London.
-Very clever. In here, please.
What did you find out?
It will be a few more minutes.
The evidence is not quite dry.
-How was the weather in London?
It was beautiful here.
The nights have been so warm.
-How was business in London?
That's a shame.
Things have been very lively in Paris.
Can't we stop this dreadful noise?
I'm a very nervous man.
Of course, Monsieur.
-Ariane, please, not now.
-Yes, Papa.
Before I show you these photographs...
...I wish to point out that they were taken
under very difficult conditions.
The light was bad,
the distance considerable...
...and the angle was quite impossible.
Please, Monsieur.
Is the news good or bad?
That depends. Is this your wife?
-Thank you.
It looks like her.
-Then, I regret to inform you, it looks bad.
-There is another man?
There is.
And I regret to say that he looks good.
-He does.
-And here we have the two together.