Night of the Demon

He can still be useful.
I'm afraid not.
His mind is in total collapse.

He's in a state of catatonic shock
and in a home for the criminally insane.

Why do you say "alleged murderer"?
That's just my personal view.
A short while ago at the asylum,
I succeeded in rousing Hobart.

Under hypnosis,
he produced this drawing.

It's crude, but remarkably similar
to these copies...

of old woodcuts
and medieval drawings...

of a fiire demon invoked
by witchcraft to destroy an enemy.

You mean you think that thing
committed the murder?

I thought the purpose of our convention
was to disprove that type of thinking.

- Yes, but Mark says...
- I'll speak for myself, Llyod.

I'm a scientist also, Dr. Holden.
I know the value
of the cold light of reason.

But I also know the deep shadows
that light can cast.

The shadows that can
blind men to truth.

What truth? Myths.
Demonology and witchcraft
have been discredited...

since the Middle Ages.
I wrote a book about it.
That's why I'm here.

Then explain how
an uneducated farmer like Hobart...

could know anything
about this creature...

whose legend has persisted through
civilization after civilization.

Babylonian, Baal, Egyptian...
Sethtyphon, Persian, Asmodeus...
Hebraich, Moloch...
Come in.
Come in.
Good evening. KT Kumar, Bombay,
apologizes for being late.

That's quite all right, Kumar.
We're just about to begin.

- This is Dr. Holden.
- How do you do?

Dr. Holden.
I'm very pleased to meet you.

Your work on hypnotism
is a great favorite of mine.

Thank you. Now, we were just talking
about devils and demons.

What are your views on the subject?
I believe in them.

Well, now that we're all here,
let's get down to business.

Excuse me.
- Hello?
- Holden?
