Then explain how
an uneducated farmer like Hobart...
could know anything
about this creature...
whose legend has persisted through
civilization after civilization.
Babylonian, Baal, Egyptian...
Sethtyphon, Persian, Asmodeus...
Hebraich, Moloch...
Come in.
Come in.
Good evening. KT Kumar, Bombay,
apologizes for being late.
That's quite all right, Kumar.
We're just about to begin.
- This is Dr. Holden.
- How do you do?
Dr. Holden.
I'm very pleased to meet you.
Your work on hypnotism
is a great favorite of mine.
Thank you. Now, we were just talking
about devils and demons.
What are your views on the subject?
I believe in them.
Well, now that we're all here,
let's get down to business.
Excuse me.
- Hello?
- Holden?
This is Julian Karswell speaking.
Speak of the devil.
- Yes, Karswell?
- I presume you know who I am.
Yes. What can I do for you?
Simply this.
The newspapers say you're heading...
this so-called expose of
my activities... is that true?
Yes, that's right.
I suggest you have
some second thoughts on this.
Such as?
Such as minding your business...
not mine or Rand Hobart's.
Harrington agreed to this. Out of
respect for him, you might do the same.
- Can you prove that?
- Had his personal assurance.
I'm afraid you can't have mine.
That's unfortunate,
maybe for both of us.
see if you can have Hobart...
released to us for a clinical
examination under test conditions.
That's exactly what I had in mind.
And forget this demon/monster theory
of yours. It doesn't make sense.
Karswell's worried about
what Hobart might tell us.
That makes sense.