Only a few sessions on
extrasensory perception.
The timetable
is over there on the desk.
I'd like to watch you work.
Do you mind?
Not at all.
Be glad to have you.
Holden, you are not leaving us
after the 28th, are you?
No. Why did you ask that?
Well, it's just that all the pages
after the 28th are torn out.
I hope we don't run out of candles
before the power lines are repaired.
Don't you think eating
by candlelight is romantic?
Yes, but not on a night like this.
Shall we have some brandy
in the living room?
I could use something
to warm me up.
Don't say it.
I know you think it's hot in here.
No. As a matter of fact,
it's rather chilly.
Do you know The Ancient Mariner?
Vaguely. I read it in school.
I found a copy of it
in my uncle's desk.
He underlined one part.
"Like one that on a lonesome road
doth walk in fear and dread...
because he knows a frightful fiiend...
doth close behind him tread."
I hope you don't read poems like that
to your kindergarten class.
When it's important that
a child learn something...
I use the most
direct means available.
I get it, teach.
He scribbled a note
on the next page.
I never had a kindergarten teacher
as pretty as you are.