Night of the Demon

Shall we have some brandy
in the living room?

I could use something
to warm me up.

Don't say it.
I know you think it's hot in here.

No. As a matter of fact,
it's rather chilly.

Do you know The Ancient Mariner?
Vaguely. I read it in school.
I found a copy of it
in my uncle's desk.

He underlined one part.
"Like one that on a lonesome road
doth walk in fear and dread...

because he knows a frightful fiiend...
doth close behind him tread."
I hope you don't read poems like that
to your kindergarten class.

When it's important that
a child learn something...

I use the most
direct means available.

I get it, teach.
He scribbled a note
on the next page.

I never had a kindergarten teacher
as pretty as you are.

- I'm serious.
- So am I.

You wouldn't deny a dying man
a last request, would you?

You'll listen whether you like it
or not. You haven't much time left.

"Today I found all the pages
of my desk calendar...

torn out after October the 22nd."
I know why.
He died on the 22nd.

John, what's the matter?
The same thing happened
to my desk calendar, after the 28th.

And I know why.
You put the two together, and
they add up to a very obvious trick.

You see, when a tribal witch doctor
puts a hex on his victim...

he always lets the victim know
well beforehand.

Let me see your uncle's diary.
In case it would
make you feel better...

a parchment has to be passed...
and the person has to
take it without knowing.
