Of course, Colonel. I shall look forward
to the pleasure of seeing you again.
Yes, Captain?
They ordered me to report
to you here. Captain Rousseau.
Yes, of course.
I wanted to speak to you
about some of your shells falling short.
I haven't time to go into it now.
Report back to your command
until further orders.
- Bad stuff. Demoralises the men.
- I quite agree with you.
- We should shelve him to another outfit.
- A court of inquiry should roast him first.
In cases like this, shells falling short,
I always try to avoid an inquiry.
It gets around among the men
and makes a bad impression.
- Shelving would be the best discipline.
- Perhaps you're right.
Would you ex cuse me?
I want to speak to the colonel.
- I'll join you in the dining room.
- Splendid. In a moment.
That's Captain Sancy,
Captain Renoir and Lieutenant Roget
to meet me at regimental
headquarters in half an hour.
- Colonel Dax!
- Yes, General?
- I'd like a word with you.
- Certainly, sir.
Best be sensible about this.
Sensible, sir?
Listen to me, Dax. Give up
this fancy talk with me, you understand?
Colonel Broulard seems
to think you're funny. I don't.
- I want you to drop this affair.
- I beg your pardon, sir, is that an order?
Colonel Dax, when this mess
is cleaned up, I'll break you.
I'll find an ex cuse and break you
to the ranks. I'll ruin you!
It'll be just what you deserve, showing so
little loyalty to your commanding officer.
That's all, Colonel.