Would you ex cuse me?
I want to speak to the colonel.
- I'll join you in the dining room.
- Splendid. In a moment.
That's Captain Sancy,
Captain Renoir and Lieutenant Roget
to meet me at regimental
headquarters in half an hour.
- Colonel Dax!
- Yes, General?
- I'd like a word with you.
- Certainly, sir.
Best be sensible about this.
Sensible, sir?
Listen to me, Dax. Give up
this fancy talk with me, you understand?
Colonel Broulard seems
to think you're funny. I don't.
- I want you to drop this affair.
- I beg your pardon, sir, is that an order?
Colonel Dax, when this mess
is cleaned up, I'll break you.
I'll find an ex cuse and break you
to the ranks. I'll ruin you!
It'll be just what you deserve, showing so
little loyalty to your commanding officer.
That's all, Colonel.
General Mireau feels that
the attack on the Ant Hill
failed because of an inadequate effort
on the part of the 1st Battalion.
Each of you is to select one man from
your company, place him under arrest,
and have him ready to appear before
a court martial at 1500 hours today.
The charge is cowardice
before the enemy.
You have your orders, gentlemen.
Let's carry them out.
Roget killed Lejeune on that patrol,
then blackmailed me into keeping quiet!