You have handled the situation
very strangely.
- Comrade Bibinski?
- Yes, Comrade?
Do you spell Bibinski
with two B's or three?
With two B's, if you please.
Well, here I am, boys.
Where's the big bad...
This is Comrade Nina Yoschenko,
Envoy Extraordinary of the Soviet Union.
Extraordinary is hardly the word.
And, this is the Mr. Canfield
we mentioned in our report.
And that's the document.
May I see the affidavit, please?
By all means.
I'd like to meet this man...
this Pierre Bouchard
who claims to be Boroff's father.
As you see, he's a traveling salesman.
Unfortunately, he's still traveling.
And you are responsible for this paper?
What is your connection with Boroff?
Well, he's going to write...
I mean, I was just helping him
because he wants to stay in Paris.
Anyone who wants to stay in Paris
deserves help.
If you want to stay, I'll help you.
- I want to talk to this man alone. Leave us.
- Yes, Comrade.
- Do you think you might need help?
- No.
I will not need help.
Don't go too far. I might.