When a man gives a gift
from the goodness of his heart...
...like you gave me that butt,
I remember it from the heart.
That's why...
...I want you to keep this lighter.
Think I stole it?
It belonged to that English kid
we just buried.
He gave it to me
for a favour I'd done him.
Before I pass on,
I want to do the same for you.
You funny man, Shears.
You go on sick list. Him too.
One of these days Colonel Saito
will catch you bribing him...
...then where'll we be?
Before that happens
we'll be far away from here, chum.
Far away.
Okay, let's knock off.
Here lies....
I forgot who we just buried.
Ah, yes.
Here lies Corporal Herbert Thomson...
...serial number zero-one-two-
Valiant member of the King's Own
or the Queen's Own or something...
...who died of beri-beri
in the year of our Lord, 1943...
...for the greater glory of....
-What did he die for?
-Come off it.
No need to mock the grave.
I don't mock the grave or the man.
May he rest in peace.
He found little of it
while he was alive.