The Bridge on the River Kwai

Yes, sir.
You were an accountant in Montreal?
Yes, sir. Not really an accountant.
That is, I didn't have my charter.
Exactly what did you do?
Well, sir, I just checked columns
and columns of figures...

...which people had checked
before me...

...and other people checked them
after I had checked them.

-Sounds a frightful bore.
-Sir, it was a bore.

How did you wind up here?
ln '39 I came over to London to enlist.
Later I volunteered for this work.

-You volunteered!
-Yes, sir. See, the regular Army--

Go ahead, you can be frank.
Well, the regular Army reminded me
of my job in civilian life.

They don't expect you to think.
Think about this.
Are you sure you'd be able
to use it in cold blood?

I know how to use it.
That's not what I meant.
Could you use it in cold blood?

Could you kill without hesitation?
That's a question I've asked myself.
It's worried me quite a bit.

And what was the answer?
I don't honestly know, sir.
I've tried to imagine myself....
I suppose I find it hard to kid myself
that killing isn't a crime.

It's an old army problem.
Well, I think that's all.
Thank you, Joyce.

Am I to go with the team?
We'll let you know.
You see what I mean.
Well, at least he was honest.
None of us ever know the answer to
that question until the moment arises.

What's your opinion, Shears?
Well, he's Canadian.
That fits with the international
composition of this outfit.

If he wants to go,
he can take my place!

Well, if you're all agreed on Joyce,
he's yours.
