Witness for the Prosecution

- I took it as long as I could, then I quit.
- And before that?

I worked in a department store, in toys,
demonstrating children's building sets.

Of course, it lasted only during Christmas.
Before that I tested electric blankets.

- Electric blankets?
- I suppose you think I'm a bit of a drifter.

It's true, in a way,
but I'm really not like that.

My army service unsettled me. That and
living abroad. I was stationed in Germany.

It was fine there, though.
That's where I met my wife.

She was an actress, and a good one.
She's a wonderful wife to me, too.

But I haven't been much of a provider,
I'm afraid.

Somehow, I just don't seem able to settle
down now I've come back to this country.

- If I could just put my eggbeater across.
- Eggbeater?

Yes, sir. I, uh, I'm a bit of an inventor.
Nothing big, just little household things.

Pocket pencil sharpeners,
key chain flashlights.

But my best is really this eggbeater.
It not only beats,
it also separates the yolk from the white.

Is that really desirable?
If you were a housewife,
you'd see it right away.

The trouble is, I need money
for manufacturing and promotion.

I was really hoping that's what Mrs
French might do for me after I met her.

- Exactly how did you meet Mrs French?
- That's rather funny in itself.

It was 3 September. I remember
because it's my wife's birthday.

I was window-shopping in Oxford Street,
daydreaming about what I'd buy for her,
if I had any money.
