Witness for the Prosecution

If you were a housewife,
you'd see it right away.

The trouble is, I need money
for manufacturing and promotion.

I was really hoping that's what Mrs
French might do for me after I met her.

- Exactly how did you meet Mrs French?
- That's rather funny in itself.

It was 3 September. I remember
because it's my wife's birthday.

I was window-shopping in Oxford Street,
daydreaming about what I'd buy for her,
if I had any money.

- You really like this one?
- Very much.

- You don't think it's too mad?
- Mad?

Not at all. Daring, perhaps. I wouldn't
recommend it to every woman. But you?

- Why shouldn't you attract attention?
- You think so?

Absolutely. But if I could
suggest one little thing.

Perhaps we could tip it and bring it back
a bit like that. Show more of your face.

- My bus. Goodbye.
- Good...

You buy that hat. I insist.
Actually, it was a ridiculous sort of hat -
a silly thing with ribbons and flowers.

I'm constantly surprised that women's
hats do not provoke more murders.

Go on, please.
I was only trying to be nice
to make her feel good.

I never dreamed I'd see her again.
Or the hat.

- But you did?
- Yes, a few weeks later.

Again, by accident. I was peddling my
eggbeaters and business was a little slow.
