Sometimes I see the same one
two or three times. Ooh.
- Toffee?
- Oh, yes, please.
At this time you had no idea
that Mrs French was well-off?
No. Absolutely not.
We were sitting in the cheap seats.
All I knew was she seemed to be
very lonely, had no friends whatsoever.
She and her husband
lived abroad in British Nigeria.
He was in the colonial service.
He died in '45, of a heart attack.
Please, Mayhew, not when I'm smoking.
Go on, young man.
Well, they finally
polished off Jesse James,
and after we left the movie
she invited me to her house for tea.
I think it's the most fascinating thing
I've ever seen. Janet, come and look.
I've seen eggbeaters before, ma'am.
But this beats so quickly
and it separates too!
It must be cen-trifugal
or centrifugal, which is it?
It's specific gravity,
but it whips cream too.
Did you hear that, Janet?
It whips cream too.
We must have one. Is it expensive?
Compliments of the inventor,
manufacturer and sole distributor.
Thank you. We'll use it constantly,
won't we, Janet?
Come, we'd better get out of here.
Janet doesn't like visitors in her kitchen.
It's a bit chilly in here, isn't it?
Shall we have a fire?
Why not?
This is a charming room.
Hubert and I collected all these things
when we lived in Africa.
Hubert was my husband.
Well, now, there's a loveable chap.
That's the mask of the witch doctor.
He wore it when he pulled
our servants' teeth.
So Hubert used to call him a witch dentist.
- Hubert was so witty.
- Yes, I can see that.
Oh, here's tea.
- Let's use our good silver and china.
- Oh, no, don't bother, Mrs French.