Witness for the Prosecution

Thank you. We'll use it constantly,
won't we, Janet?

Come, we'd better get out of here.
Janet doesn't like visitors in her kitchen.

It's a bit chilly in here, isn't it?
Shall we have a fire?

Why not?
This is a charming room.
Hubert and I collected all these things
when we lived in Africa.

Hubert was my husband.
Well, now, there's a loveable chap.
That's the mask of the witch doctor.
He wore it when he pulled
our servants' teeth.

So Hubert used to call him a witch dentist.
- Hubert was so witty.
- Yes, I can see that.

Oh, here's tea.
- Let's use our good silver and china.
- Oh, no, don't bother, Mrs French.

- This is perfectly all right.
- Lemon or milk, please?

- I don't really care.
- Would you prefer sherry?

- That'd be fine.
- We've no' got any.

Oh, but we have. There's that bottle,
the one we bought last Christmas.

If you care for an eggnog there's a wasted
egg in the kitchen ready and separated.

Do sit down. Don't mind Janet, Mr Vole.
It's just that she's terribly Scotch.

Oh, is she? I thought
she came with the collection.

You know, maybe
I'll take a glass of sherry myself.

I feel like Christmas, somehow.
After that I saw her once or twice a week.
She always kept a bottle of sherry for me.

We'd talk, play canasta,
listen to gramophone records,

Gilbert and Sullivan mostly.
It's so weird to think of her now,
lying in that living room, murdered.

I assure you she's been moved by now.
To leave her would be unfeeling, unlawful,

and unsanitary.
Tell Sir Wilfrid about
the evening of the murder.
