So the absence
of fingerprints in a robbery
- would hardly surprise you?
- No, sir.
Can't we surmise the burglar might have
entered a presumably empty house,
suddenly encountered
Mrs French and struck her,
then, realising she was dead,
fled without taking anything?
I submit, my lord,
that it is entirely impossible
to guess what went on in the mind
of some entirely imaginary burglar.
With or without gloves.
Let us not surmise, Sir Wilfrid,
but confine ourselves to facts.
Inspector, when you questioned
the prisoner as to the stains on his jacket,
did he not show you
a recently-healed scar on his wrist,
- saying he had cut himself slicing bread?
- Yes, sir, that is what he said.
And were you not told
the same thing by his wife?
- Yes, sir. But afterwards...
- Just a simple yes or no, please.
Did the prisoner's wife show you a knife
and tell you that her husband
had cut his wrist while slicing bread?
- Yes, sir.
- I will ask you to examine this knife.
Just test the edge of it
with your finger. Carefully!
You agree that the point
and the cutting edge are razor-sharp?
- Yes, sir.
- Now, if such a knife were to slip,
might it not inflict a cut
that would bleed profusely?
Yes, sir, it might.
Inspector, you stated that the bloodstains
on the prisoner's jacket were analysed,
as was the blood of Mrs French, and
they were both found to be of group O.
- That is correct.
- However,
if the prisoner's blood
were also of this same group,
then the stains on his jacket
may well have resulted
from the household accident
he described to you.
Yes, sir.
Did you examine
the prisoner's blood, Inspector?
No, sir.
I have here a certificate
stating that Leonard Stephen Vole
is a blood donor
at the North London Hospital.
And that his blood is group O.