Witness for the Prosecution

Just test the edge of it
with your finger. Carefully!

You agree that the point
and the cutting edge are razor-sharp?

- Yes, sir.
- Now, if such a knife were to slip,

might it not inflict a cut
that would bleed profusely?

Yes, sir, it might.
Inspector, you stated that the bloodstains
on the prisoner's jacket were analysed,

as was the blood of Mrs French, and
they were both found to be of group O.

- That is correct.
- However,

if the prisoner's blood
were also of this same group,

then the stains on his jacket
may well have resulted

from the household accident
he described to you.

Yes, sir.
Did you examine
the prisoner's blood, Inspector?

No, sir.
I have here a certificate
stating that Leonard Stephen Vole
is a blood donor

at the North London Hospital.
And that his blood is group O.
Thank you, Inspector.
Inspector, granted that the cut
on the wrist was caused by that knife,

is there anything to show
whether it was an accident

or done deliberately after the murder
to account for the bloodstains?

- Oh, really, my lord!
- I withdraw the question.

You may stand down.
- Call Janet McKenzie.
- Janet McKenzie.

- Janet McKenzie.
- Janet McKenzie.

I swear by Almighty God
that the evidence...
