Michael Collins,
last time we left you...
you were still flying around the moon
in the command module.
Catching up on my reading.
Let me be pragmatic and deal
with a hard issue here for a minute.
What if something goes wrong?
You've trained to
come back to Earth...
as the sole survivor of Apollo 11,
haven't you?
Nobody likes to dwell
on such things...
but that is one of the scenarios
that we practice in flight simulation.
Well, in fact,
all three of you...
train constantly for things
going wrong, don't you?
Neil? Buzz?
You even practice crashing,
don't you?
Actually, Emmett,
we practice avoiding crashes.
We're gonna pick up
at pitch over minus 30.
- Everybody ready?
- Ready, Flight.
Okay, gents.
And here we go.
Eagle, this is Houston.
We are ready to commence
full-up sim...
beginning at pitch over minus 30.
Pitch over in five, four,
three, two, one, mark.
- Pitch over.
- We're in P-64.
Showing 6,000 feet.
Down at 100 feet per second. Looks good.
Readout P.D., 40 degrees.
Forty degrees.
That's good. I like that.
Five thousand feet, Flight.
I'm gonna check
my manual attitude control.
Manual attitude control
is good.