Program alarm 1201.
Guidance, are your systems go?
Same type.
We're go, Flight.
- Go.
- We are go. Same type.
We are go.
You're pegged
on horizontal velocity.
Three hundred feet,
down three and a half.
Forty-seven forward.
Slow it up.
One and a half down.
Ease 'er down.
- Two-fifty. How's the fuel?
- Seven percent fuel remaining.
Down at two and a half.
Nineteen forward.
Altitude velocity lights are on.
We lost our radar.
Three and a half down.
- 220 feet, 13 forward.
- Gonna be right over that crater.
160 feet, 51/2 down.
Quantity light.
Sixty seconds to go/no go.
Looks like a good area here.
Take 'er down.
Sixty feet, down two and a half.
Two forward.
Forty feet,
down two and a half.
Thirty seconds of fuel.
Four forward.
Drifting to the right
a little.
Twenty feet.
Picking up some dust.