Five thousand feet is good.
One hundred feet per second is good.
- I want a go/no go on landing. GUIDO.
- Go, Flight.
- Go, Flight.
- That's affirm, Flight.
- G.N.C. EE COM.
- Go, Flight.
- Go.
- CAPCOM, go.
- Eagle, you are go for landing.
- Go for landing. Over.
- Roger. Understand. Go for landing.
Three thousand feet.
- Give me an L.P.D.
- Forty-seven degrees.
Pretty rocky area.
I'm going to manual.
Roger, Eagle.
Fifty-eight forward.
No problem.
Six hundred feet,
down at nineteen.
Program alarm 1201.
Guidance, are your systems go?
Same type.
We're go, Flight.
- Go.
- We are go. Same type.
We are go.
You're pegged
on horizontal velocity.
Three hundred feet,
down three and a half.
Forty-seven forward.
Slow it up.
One and a half down.
Ease 'er down.
- Two-fifty. How's the fuel?
- Seven percent fuel remaining.
Down at two and a half.
Nineteen forward.
Altitude velocity lights are on.
We lost our radar.
Three and a half down.
- 220 feet, 13 forward.
- Gonna be right over that crater.
160 feet, 51/2 down.