- Hurry up.
- Let's go.
- Come on. Sit down.
- You got it set up?
All the photographs from Apollo 11
were of Buzz taken by Neil...
one astronaut with maybe the other guy
reflected in his visor.
We had the idea
to use this timer...
and get both me and Pete
in the picture...
and not tell anyone about it
until the film was developed.
- It was a great idea.
- Electric man.
The trick was finding the right moment
so Houston wouldn't catch on.
By the time we made it
to the Surveyor...
we had less than an hour left outside
in the Ocean of Storms.
Our first order of business
was that secret photo.
I had practiced finding the timer
plenty of times and never had trouble.
I had the whole procedure down
to a few seconds.
The result
would have been magnificent.
Had I been able
to find the damn thing.
I'll be darned.
- Isn't it in there?
- Let me look one more time.
Wait. What's in your bag here?
- It's just a film magazine.
- I'll try at this end.
I knew I was wasting
precious time.
If it didn't turn up quick, it would be
criminal to continue the search.
- So...
- I've had it.
- Forget it.
- All right.
Let's mosey down there
and grab what we came here for.
In 1967,
Surveyor's TV camera had broadcast...
the first-ever television pictures
from the surface of the moon.
We aimed
to take that camera home...
so they could study
the long-term effects of the moon...
on manmade machines.