Especially you, dear Gaston.
How does your sister look?
Still as young as ever?
Yes, Alicia is always the same.
Living in the past
must agree with her.
When I think...
...it was in...
...she went off with her first sultan.
Then came her Duke of Milan...
...her King of Spain,
her khedive, her maharajah.
She's remarkable looking...
Good day, Charles.
What are we having for lunch?
Oh, dear!
Are they difficult?
Slowly, Gigi. Slowly.
The racing season is over.
Good day, Aunt Alicia.
Now let's go into luncheon.
Yes, Aunt Alicia.
Today you will learn to eat ortolans.
What are ortolans, Aunt?
Exquisite little birds.
Most people attack them like cannibals.
You must learn to eat them properly.
Bad table manners...
...have broken up more households
than infidelity.
Did you work hard in school today?
What did you study?