Slowly, Gigi. Slowly.
The racing season is over.
Good day, Aunt Alicia.
Now let's go into luncheon.
Yes, Aunt Alicia.
Today you will learn to eat ortolans.
What are ortolans, Aunt?
Exquisite little birds.
Most people attack them like cannibals.
You must learn to eat them properly.
Bad table manners...
...have broken up more households
than infidelity.
Did you work hard in school today?
What did you study?
Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo.
How depressing.
- What else?
- English.
I suppose we must.
They refuse to learn French.
Who are your friends?
Ortolans should be cut in two
with a quick stroke of the knife.
There must be no grating
of the blade on the plate.
Now bite up each piece.
The bones don't matter.
Go on eating while you
answer my questions.
But don't talk with your mouth full.
Well, you can do it.
If I can do it, you can.
What friends have you made?
I'm always on my own.
Why does Grandmama stop me
from accepting invitations?