- I offered her a lot of money.
- You don't like her.
I'd have given her my right arm
if she'd taken the job.
- I've got a nosebleed.
- If she's not coming, I'm not going!
- The cops are ticketing your car.
- And the building's on fire.
- Hello.
- Well, hello.
I knew you would come back.
You are going to be our maid.
- Wait a minute.
- If you still want me, yes.
He was going to give his right arm,
weren't you?
You told me you didn't want the job.
It doesn't look as if she needs one.
Where did you get those clothes?
- My father.
- You can help me pack.
I don't know anything about you.
You are from Italy, aren't you?
- Sí.
- That means '"yes'".
- Are you a G.I. Bride or something?
- Yes, almost.
- Almost? What does that mean?
- I arrived.
He didn't marry me.
So I must work.
Thas a sad story.
But I don't think this is the job for you.
- Besides, we're going to the country.
- I adore the country.
- Whas wrong?
- Nosebleed.
- Get me a damp cloth and hurry.
- That settles it. She stays.
She can't stay with us.
That guesthouse is too small.
Try to look at it from my viewpoint.
Perhaps you'd better not.
- How are you?
- Thas fine. Is stopped.
- I was just about to do that.
- We'll go and wash your face.
Come on, David, we'll help.
You wouldn't believe it.
Hello, Alan.
Any luck trying to sublet
this apartment?
We lined up a few prospects,
but they say the rent is too high.
- OK, I'll knock off $25 a month.
- The wife and I will take it.
I can't tell you what a help you are.
Les get the luggage out.
I'm so sorry.
We've taken a vote and is unanimous.
Cinzia stays.