Next monday, Beggars' Day
at GanguIi's.
Mahim wishes to see you.
TeII him to come in.
Come in Mahim.
You must visit
my house, Master.
I repeat, wouId you honour
me with your visit?
On which occasion?
With your bIessing, I have
buiIt a house.
The inauguration is on Monday,
BengaIi New Year's Day.
New Year's Day?
I aIready have a party at home.
On the first?
Yes, the Iucky day.
The Iucky day party?
I have never...
If you insist,
I can put it off.
WiII that heIp?
No, No. It's not necessary.
You're the Master,
and we are...
Your pIans first.
I can't do anything, you know.
Everything is aIready pIanned.