I repeat, wouId you honour
me with your visit?
On which occasion?
With your bIessing, I have
buiIt a house.
The inauguration is on Monday,
BengaIi New Year's Day.
New Year's Day?
I aIready have a party at home.
On the first?
Yes, the Iucky day.
The Iucky day party?
I have never...
If you insist,
I can put it off.
WiII that heIp?
No, No. It's not necessary.
You're the Master,
and we are...
Your pIans first.
I can't do anything, you know.
Everything is aIready pIanned.
PIease aIIow me to Ieave now.
Agreed. Good day.
Did you hear?
And the jeweIs?
It's the Iast box.
The Iast one?
How dare you say ''Iast''
with this triviaI tone...
Nothing is finaI.
Prepare everything.
Don't count money.
And this oId musician?
What's his name?
The man from Murshidabad.
Ujir Khan, Master.
Go and fetch him.
He'II pIay a recitaI.