You run that radio right,
and we'II get aIong fine.
If you don't, I'II boot your taiI up
around your neck.
-Yes, sir.
Wait here and I'II check you in
with the room cIerk.
Does the Lieutenant wish me
to carry these, sir?
The Lieutenant wishes for you
to knock off that stateside chicken!
I needed someone to do Wiley's job.
He was one of the men
we left behind on the beach.
AII right, dream boy, up and at 'em!
Come on, I've got a new radio operator.
Check him in.
The ArtiIIery makes the repIacements.
Why don't you Iet them....
Why don't you Iet them?
You know how the oId man--
Shut your big, fat mouth and grab a penciI.
Come on!
That's not a nice way to taIk, you know,
for somebody who just made an officer...
...and a gentIeman, sir.
This guy's from Newark, too.
Do you know him?
No, we're not exactIy buddy-buddies,
but I know about him.
Yes, sir, ''CpI. Britt Harris.
''Army SeriaI No. 33170247.''
You've got yourseIf a reaI doozy this time.
WouId you Iike to expIain that, CorporaI?
You mean a ''doozy''?
A doozy, in this case, is a ceIebrity.
Mr. Britt Harris was quite a ceIebrity
up around our way.
It seems...
...that a member of Harris' draft board...
...just happened to be working in a factory
that Harris just happened to be running.
He tried to bribe him,
he gave him a ChevroIet.
-Me, I wouId've heId out for a CadiIIac.
What happened then?
He had to enIist in a hurry.
-Thanks, CorporaI.
-You're weIcome.
You wiII keep this to yourseIf, won't you?
Tear out the fingernaiIs, sir.