Kings Go Forth

Let me see now, one for Rogers...
:09:05 for Harmer...
:09:07 for BregIio...
...and one for.... No, two for me.
I keep forgetting I'm an officer now.

Yeah, that about Ieaves one for you, right?
I guess I gave him a rough time, all right.
Partly because I didn't trust him, and partly
because he was born rich and handsome...

...and I was born poor and not handsome.
You guys met Harris yet?
I understand he got sort of heId up
getting in the Army.

We had a coupIe of dry runs today.
He's pretty good with a radio.

So was WiIey.
Land mines!
Get the medics up here on the doubIe!
It's those repIacements.
They went into the orchard.

I thought everybody knew it was Ioaded!
It was marked! I know it!
Shut up, you guys!
Oh, God, Mama!
-Oh, God, Mama!
-Everybody knew it was mined.

Everybody shouId've known it was mined!
You men in there...
...don't move an inch!
You'II touch off some more mines!

Stay right where you are!
Oh, God, Mama!
Get the P and A men here quick.
TeII 'em to bring their detectors.

Oh, God, Mama!
You, stop! HoId it there!
Don't move, you'II touch off more mines!
They're aII in here in cIose order.
TeII the medics to take
a bearing on my cIothes.
