Kings Go Forth

It's those repIacements.
They went into the orchard.

I thought everybody knew it was Ioaded!
It was marked! I know it!
Shut up, you guys!
Oh, God, Mama!
-Oh, God, Mama!
-Everybody knew it was mined.

Everybody shouId've known it was mined!
You men in there...
...don't move an inch!
You'II touch off some more mines!

Stay right where you are!
Oh, God, Mama!
Get the P and A men here quick.
TeII 'em to bring their detectors.

Oh, God, Mama!
You, stop! HoId it there!
Don't move, you'II touch off more mines!
They're aII in here in cIose order.
TeII the medics to take
a bearing on my cIothes.

One was dead, two had lost legs,
five were hospital cases.

You're quite a guy, CorporaI.
Yes, sir, a reaI Iive hero.
You want me to pin the medaI on you now
or wait for the GeneraI to do it?

I figured speed was essentiaI, sir.
You ever hear of a mine detector?
-Answer me.
-Yes, sir.

Didn't you hear me hoIIer for you to stop?
-No, sir.
-That's too bad.

-You got a razor bIade in your gear?
-Yes, sir.

Then use it to cut off your stripes,
Private Harris.
