So I went back to Los AngeIes.
Then one day, Mr. BoIIing caIIed me
in his office and he said:
''Sam, take a Iook at the new Ietterheads.''
I Iooked at them and I said,
''They Iook fine.''
Then I saw it.
The Ietterhead said,
''BoIIing and Loggins, Constructionists.''
He made me a partner just Iike that.
And what did you do then?
I thanked him.
You thanked him,
making your voice very deep...
...then you excused yourseIf...
...and you went into your own office...
...cIosed the door...
...and you wept.
You wept because
Mr. Fred BoIIing is such a good man.
To teII you the truth...
...I never mentioned this before,
but that's exactIy what I did. I wept.
How did you guess that?
I did not guess.
I think Americans are ashamed
when they feeI tenderness.
You know, my father once toId me:
''Monique, you cannot judge a man
by what he says unIess you see his face.''
Your father was a very wise man.
Yes, he was...
...very wise indeed.
What'd she say?
She said that she Ioved
having the Americans here.
She wishes you very much good Iuck.