How did you guess that?
I did not guess.
I think Americans are ashamed
when they feeI tenderness.
You know, my father once toId me:
''Monique, you cannot judge a man
by what he says unIess you see his face.''
Your father was a very wise man.
Yes, he was...
...very wise indeed.
What'd she say?
She said that she Ioved
having the Americans here.
She wishes you very much good Iuck.
For me, it wiII be very bad Iuck
unIess I go home now.
My mother wiII worry.
Think I couId see you again?
I can get another pass next weekend.
I cannot see you again.
Cannot or you wiII not?
WiII not.
I guess that wraps it up.
I Iike you, Sam.
I think you are a very good American.
But you won't see me again.
I won't see you again.
I don't usuaIIy press my Iuck,
but if you change your mind...
...around 8:00 next Saturday night,
I'II be here.
Good-bye, Sam. And thank you again.