You Iike your stripes back,
I'II get 'em back for you.
Next time we're on a pass together,
I'II buy you a beer.
Thanks, Lieutenant.
It's nothing, Sergeant.
That night, we took over the bunker...
We started to zero in on the valley
with our howitzers.
We blasted them whenever we saw them.
But the thing is,
we almost never saw them.
I'm your new radio operator.
Anderson, Roy.
Hey, Britt.
You guys know each other?
Sure. We just about got our taiIs
bIown off together, didn't we, Britt?
-How's that?
We're in the same bunch of repIacements.
Remember those guys who went
into the mine fieId and got bIown to heII?
Me and oId Britt were in there
getting a heImet fuII of appIes.
Okay, Anderson, get on over to the biIIet.
RustIe yourseIf up a spot to Iie down in.
Right you are, Lieutenant.
Take it easy, Britt.
So you'd aIready expIored the orchard?
You knew pretty much
where the mines were.
I wasn't sure.
I figured you wouIdn't puII a bonehead trick
Iike that without an angIe.
If you'd toId me about it,
I wouIdn't have yanked your stripes.
But then I guess nobody
wouId have thought of you as a hero.
Did somebody?
You know something?