Kings Go Forth

-How's that?

We're in the same bunch of repIacements.
Remember those guys who went
into the mine fieId and got bIown to heII?

Me and oId Britt were in there
getting a heImet fuII of appIes.

Okay, Anderson, get on over to the biIIet.
RustIe yourseIf up a spot to Iie down in.
Right you are, Lieutenant.
Take it easy, Britt.

So you'd aIready expIored the orchard?
You knew pretty much
where the mines were.

I wasn't sure.
I figured you wouIdn't puII a bonehead trick
Iike that without an angIe.

If you'd toId me about it,
I wouIdn't have yanked your stripes.

But then I guess nobody
wouId have thought of you as a hero.

Did somebody?
You know something?
I can't figure you.
Every time I think I've got you,
I gotta figure out another bracket.

On Saturday night, I was early.
I don't know why,
but I really expected her to come.

Anyway, she didn't show.
Can I have the check, pIease?
No, thank you.
Yes, ma'am.
