''A Lieutenant,'' I said.
''And it wouId be my dearest wish...
''...that he wouId Iike me...
''...and that he want me as a friend.''
I stiII wish that.
I'II settIe for that for now.
That Iove-at-first-sight routine
rareIy happens anyway...
...and we've got time.
I'II try to make you Iove me,
and I hope you wiII.
No, Sam. There is no such hope.
You can't stop me from trying.
I can stop seeing you.
I wiII.
That's fine.
I aIways say, ''If you kick a guy
in the teeth, be sure to use both feet.''
It is for you that I have said that.
Thanks a Iot.
I was just shoving off.
Sam, I was Iistening.
Good for you. It wiII save a Iot of time
and a Iot of troubIe.
Come in.
Sit down, Sam, pIease.