if the bomb was planted in Mexico...
and the accused is Mexican,
what a scandal this could
turn into... internationally?
Might be kind of rough
on the tourist trade.
Susie, one of the longest
borders on Earth...
is right here between
your country and mine.
Open border.
Fourteen hundred miles...
without a single machine gun in place.
I suppose that all sounds
very corny to you.
I could love being corny
if my husband would only cooperate.
Hey, Susie.
[Radio Announcer Speaking Spanish]
[Siren Wailing]
- Vargas?
- Hello there, Schwartz.
Quinlan seems to be on something new.
Coming with us?
I have first to drop
my wife at the motel.
Captain Quinlan wants you to go with
him. I'll drop your wife at the motel.
- Oh, really, l...
- No trouble at all, ma'am.
- Aren't you going to drive me?
- I'll phone you, darling.
- What's the name of that motel?
- The Mirador.
- We're in some kind of a hurry, Vargas.
- Don't bother to phone.
That Mirador is
mighty hard to find...
with the new highway
branching off the way it does.
- Hey!
- That's all right. I can find the way.
His cane! I forgot
to give him his cane.
He really needs it
with that game leg of his.
- Did he ever tell you
how he got it, huh?
- What, the cane?
- No, his bad leg.
- Who are you talking about?
Captain Quinlan!
He got it in a gunfight,
Mrs. Vargas. That's how.
He was wounded stopping a bullet
that was meant for me.
I reckon the bravest thing
Hank ever did was to give up drink.