he-he-he ain't gonna
leave you here for long.
He is not my friend.
He-He brought you here
in that car, didn't he?
No, he didn't.
As a matter of fact, he's under arrest.
Under arrest?
Mr. Grandi?
- [Chuckling]
- Yes, he is.
[Man] Hold that second charge!
Stop that car!
[Man With Flag]
Hold that car! Stop, stop! Hold it!
Hey, uh, there was a complaint
about some stolen dynamite out here.
- Fired anybody lately?
- I figured you'd be asking about that.
Yeah? A boy named Sanchez?
Sure. He's been playin' around
with the boss's daughter.
Say, Captain, I just recognized
somebody over there at the blaster.
- Oh, with the big ears?
- Our office prosecuted that guy
for voluntary manslaughter.
Get him over here.
That's Eddie Farnum.
- You!
- Got five to ten.
- You'll have to get out of here.
We're gonna blast again.
- How long've you been out?
- Three months.
- Quick parole.
- Who got you this job?
- My lawyer, Howard Frantz.
- [Radio Dispatcher] Come in, car 1 0.
- Grandi's lawyer.
- Come in, car 1 0.
- Suspect now in custody
at 5 Innes Place.
- Well, this is it.
Suspect? That the one you've
been talking about, this Sanchez?
As far as I can make out,
they've located him. Right, Captain?
- Yeah, in Marcia Linnekar's
apartment. Come on.
- Stand still. We're gonna blast.
What's wrong, Farnum?
You short of dynamite?
[Siren Wailing]
[Tires Screeching]
Captain, have you anything
definite on this boy Sanchez?