Did he reply to you?
He said,
"" Do you want some too, buster?""
Was he pointing the gun at you?
He was holding the gun in my direction,
but the muzzle was low.
When he said,
"" Do you want some too, buster?""...
how was that expressed?
Did he shout it?
Was it hysterical?
Was he hoarse?
Did his voice tremble?
No, sir. He just said it
cool and hard and looked right at me.
Did he appear to you,
as far as you could tell...
to be in complete possession
of his faculties?
- Yes, sir, as far as I could tell.
- Your witness.
Mr. Paquette, did you see Laura Manion
in the bar that night?
There he goes again.
This is immaterial and irrelevant.
I don't see why the prosecution's
so jumpy. I haven't gone anyplace yet.
Let's see where he's going
before we start objecting.
You may proceed.
Did you see Mrs. Manion
in the bar that night?
- She was there.
- Did Barney Quill leave that night?
- Yes.
- Do you remember when he returned?
I think he came back around midnight.
Now from which entrance did he come?
Did he come from the lobby entrance...
or come from that outside entrance?
It was from the lobby.
- And how did he appear to you then?
- How do you mean?
You understood the prosecution well
when he asked you that question...
about Lt. Manion's appearance.
Oh, well, he was just
old Barney, like usual.
You mean he was just good old sober,
reliable, gentle...
friend-to-man Barney.
Your Honor, what kind
of a question is that?
I withdraw the question, Your Honor.
Had Barney changed his clothes
since he left the bar?
I don't remember.
Might his clothing have been different
when he returned--
that is, might he
have changed his clothes?
I didn't notice.
Was Barney drinking that night?
Well, he always had a few shots
while he was talking to the customers.