
Here it is, the place I've remembered.
The court where we played
at changing the guard.

The roof where we'd throw pebbles
at people in the street and then hide.

-We were rascals, weren't we?
-No, you were good boys.

I would have that time again.
And here it is. Nothing has changed.
Except for the fountain.
-The old well would go dry, remember?
-Promptly, every summer.

A new fountain and a new Tirzah.
You've grown up.

-He hasn't changed, has he, Mother?

Of course he has. He was a boy
when he left us, now he's a man.

With great responsibilities.
The emperor builds and builds,
turning brick to marble.

Oh, I almost forgot.
I brought you this.

I've never seen anything
like this before. It's beautiful!

-Is it Roman?
-It's Libyan. I was there last year.

A tremendous campaign.
Our armies met on the coast.
After two days of fighting, they fled.

We marched on their capital.
Barbaric city, but fascinating.

Or was, till we destroyed it.
Now it's nothing but ashes.
I'm boring you with soldier stories.
Come with me, there's something
I want to show you.

Thank you for this.
I chose the right present for you.
It's a brooch for a woman.

What do you think of it?
