This is the corpse of an Earthman
who was known as Carl Noymann.
I am from another planet,
outside your galaxy.
I'm sorry. I just don't understand.
Adam Penner, you can save
the people of Earth from total destruction.
Unless Earth surrenders in 24 hours,
we will begin a mass invasion.
This is fantastic.
You expect me to believe
that you can overrun the entire world?
Your scientists think that
the moon is a dead planet.
That it is uninhabited. It is not.
You're a madman. We know it is.
More than 20,000 years ago,
my planet invaded the moon...
and destroyed the life that existed there.
We have controlled the moon since then...
and made it an impregnable base
for our spaceships.
- We'd have seen signs of life there.
- You would see nothing.
We are invisible.
We are invisible, Adam Penner.
Long ago we learned to change
the molecular structure of our bodies.
You cannot see us.
I am using this dead man's body
so that I can communicate with you.
Why do you want us to surrender?
What do you want of Earth?
We have studied your languages
and your many civilizations...
for thousands of years.
We have never bothered Earth
because of its slow scientific development.
But now you are approaching
the Space Age.
You are testing nuclear and rocket devices
for travel into space.
As we have put the moon
and many other planets under our rule...
it is now time for us to put Earth
under our rule.
Dictatorship of the universe!
We cannot be defeated.
We have never been defeated.