Invisible Invaders

- We'd have seen signs of life there.
- You would see nothing.

We are invisible.
We are invisible, Adam Penner.

Long ago we learned to change
the molecular structure of our bodies.

You cannot see us.
I am using this dead man's body
so that I can communicate with you.

Why do you want us to surrender?
What do you want of Earth?

We have studied your languages
and your many civilizations...

for thousands of years.
We have never bothered Earth
because of its slow scientific development.

But now you are approaching
the Space Age.

You are testing nuclear and rocket devices
for travel into space.

As we have put the moon
and many other planets under our rule...

it is now time for us to put Earth
under our rule.

Dictatorship of the universe!
We cannot be defeated.
We have never been defeated.

Just as I have done with
the dead body of Carl Noymann...

my people will come to your planet...
and inhabit the bodies
of other dead Earthmen.

The dead will kill the living.
And the people of Earth will cease to exist.
That is the message
you will bring your people.

Why me? Why did you choose me?
Your voice has been the loudest for peace.
You have demanded that the nations...
stop the manufacture of
nuclear weapons for war.

Adam Penner, if you want peace...
you will tell your people
to surrender now and avoid war.

They'll never surrender. They'll fight.
As fast as you can land your spaceships
here, they'll destroy them.

Hold out your hand.
